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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sundays with friends, Food Issues and Other Random Worries

Today was a good day. A solid day that is worthy of calling home about. It began at an adorable place in Chevy Chase called Josie's - Josie's Grab and Go with a longtime friend, Amber. We had a fabulous meal and exhilarating conversation for over 3 hours. It was heaven. I had an egg white omelet, blueberry toast, fresh fruit and part of an apple crisp pancake. The entire meal was superb. I'll be going back soon, I hope.

Then my Casebolts (and one Weston) called and invited me over for turkey dinner lunch and a day filled with laughter. These people are a hoot. I laugh from the time I'm in the door until I'm back out to my car to leave. Each visit with them is an adventure. Today, our goals were: a) planning spelling for this week, b) taking Christmas decorations down and putting them away, c) harassing one another, d) debating the upcoming winter fiasco, e) writing technology grants, f) more harassment. We accomplished all, but the technology grants. However, after our weather discussion, I'm pretty sure I'll have more time this week to write those grants anyway. They are such good sports to endure my ridiculous personality and snarkiness. They make me feel like myself again.

Okay, so back before Christmas there was an armed robbery in the parking lot directly in front of my apartment. What's worse is that I heard it going on and thought it wasn't anything to worry about, so I didn't call the police. Now I'm tempted to call the police every single time I hear a voice outside. I had to admit, I'm nervous. Really nervous. I won't get out of my car if there is anyone outside that I don't know. I turn and look behind me as I'm unlocking my door. It's a real freaking ordeal. 

Nose has started the sniffles late this afternoon into this evening. Which is absolutely fabulous. Hopefully, I'm not getting ill. I would hate to waste my pending snow days feeling under the weather. Can't a girl get a break, seriously!?!

 A few of the books that sit in front of my fireplace. The History of Art book was my mother's from her degree at Transy. She always hoped more for me than EKU...But I liked EKU. I had an impact there.

 Part of my dad's record collect that he gave me years ago. The one in the front is called "You Can Tune a Piano, but You Can't Tune a Fish". Always liked the pun. I'm fond of word play.

Hat. Purchased at Hats and Handbags to benefit The Lexington Cancer Foundation. Wish I would remember to wear the darn thing.

1 comment:

  1. You need to wear that hat.

    I need a picture of you wearing that hat.
