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Friday, January 7, 2011

Matt & Kim and HP Death

Tonight's post is going to be short. Real short. I need to reinstall Windows on my HP, because it is dying a slow and painful death.

I'm listening to Matt & Kim with someone who believes they aren't mainstream. HA! Quote of the night "Anytime you call yourself Indie Rock you're not mainstream". Hysterical.

John Tesh (Mr. Know-it-all) said on the radio today that people who blog negative subjects end up ruining their friendships. I truly hope that doesn't happen. I'm just sarcastic, friends, don't hate me.

Notes in my original photo journal about my equipment. The inventory has been on steroids since then. 

Photo of a painting that hangs in my bedroom. By one of my long time friends, Aimee Johnica Arnold. Wherever I go, it goes.

1 comment:

  1. awww katie. thanks for the love. you've always been such a good encourager. and i love that picture of your notebook. i just love glimpses into journals and such, even if it's just a grocery list. or an equipment list.
