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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Learning to Cope

I have lived my life at an intergalactic speed, I had experiences young and I have lived through several major life changing events and I'm only 26 years old. I've brought upon myself more heartache and disappointment to last an entire lifetime. And yet, I'm still living at a lightening fast pace. I feel like I've missed out on a lot by being caught up in so much. This is the main reason photography is so important to me. Photography, although time consuming in itself, requires me to slow down, stop momentarily and think about what I'm doing. I capture moments that can be relived time and time again through simply opening an album or scrolling through a website. I have in that second soaked up everything the world in front of me has to offer and I have taken a relic home to savor again.

By nature, my mind rambles and is jumbled with a million different thoughts all at once. I'm an obsessive thinker, it is in my DNA and more importantly my personality. Thereby hindering my availability to truly live each moment of my life to the fullest extent, because I am preoccupied with a social injustice, educational paradox, or overwhelming rush of personal emotion. But with photography, I get a second chance to relive my life caught on film. And at times I have the honor of capturing those cherished moments for others, so they too may relive their moments and reflect.

Photography is more than a mere passion, although I am passionate about it to the core, it has become a coping strategy for my disheveled existence. To date, I have yet to find a solution for my overactive and impulsive mind. So learning to live and cope with it are my only options. 

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