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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Most Expensive Story

Went to Keeneland today with two great friends to photo the thoroughbred sales. Was telling a story about the UK Cheerleading Team, when one of the spotters leans over to ask me if I was trying to bid on a horse. That would have been an $18,000 bid. Yikes. Note to self - keep hands on the friggin' camera unless you want to ride a pony home!

More photos and commentary to come. Went to see a movie - Black Swan - didn't get home in time to blog much.

 My $18,000 pleasure pony.
And the guy that tried to sell her to me.


  1. That was too funny. I don't think he was trying to sell it to you, I think he was concerned he'd miss your bid and you'd be mad at him...

    "Miss, are you bidding?"
