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Thursday, January 6, 2011

A Little Less Sadness, Please

I've come to the conclusion that I am, in fact, engaging in a state of depression currently. Not to worry, though, I'm highly trained at reacting to this type of behavior. I will dig my bottle of B-Vitamins out from under my bathroom sink, go to the tanning bed to combat the lack of Vitamin D in my body and will hide the guns from myself. Lots of hot chamomile tea, soaks in the bathtub while reading and large doses of chocolate and I'll be fine again. In the meantime, enjoy the satire.

The weatherman is calling for snow tomorrow and I'm being a lousy teacher by wearing my PJs inside out and snorting sugar in hopes that we have a day off of school. We really shouldn't be expected to go back to school for a full week after having 3 weeks off. It is cruel and unusual punishment.

My damn TV remote still doesn't work. Seriously. I've lived here since July and had 4 new remotes. NONE of them work. I've called. I've bitched. I've begged. To no avail. God must not want me to get lazy I suppose. He must be punishing me for all the times I have my kids run notes to the office for me. I'm a sinner and sinners must be held accountable. So in order to change the channel on my TV I have to really hate the show I'm watching. Oh-bla-dee-oh-bla-da...nah-nah-nah-nah- life goes on...

With the help of a district curriculum coach, the second grade at my school is learnin' their students how to write memoirs, which is just a fancy-pansy name for a memory. I've done been lookin' fer days and finally found one I'd writ long ago. Thoughts I should shares it which'a. (I get bored easily) It's about a former student.

Closer Than Honeybees, My Friend and I

JP, this has forever become his name since it was realized that his full name took longer to complete than the actual page itself. We work together after school almost every day, yet he really doesn’t want to at all. If he didn’t like me so much, I think he would probably hate me quite literally. However, there is something about our bond, our friendship, our mutual love that keeps us closer than honey bees. We share similar interests. We act and react much in the same manner. However, there is a major difference. I don’t struggle in exactly the same ways he does. I have taken my psychosis and become obsessed with school. Fearing the day I ever leave it entirely behind. Making sure via multiple advanced degree programs, that I will inevitably never be truly finished. On the contrary, my friend, my JP, he could never attend another day of school in his entire life and would happier by one-hundred fold. He is obsessed with despising school. He blames it for his issues, his struggles and imperfections, whereas it is the only place where I can feel perfection it seems. I find school, for me, controllable. Perhaps it is my age and level. For JP, he views school as scary, daunting and relentless. Notice we are the same with our obsession with obsessions. We share this trait. We also share worry, compulsiveness, striving for perfection, dinosaurs and technology. The latter two of this list are the grounds where our relationship developed. We were competing forces until technology and dinosaurs brought us to the same team. Now our team is exclusive. Invitation only. As of yet, it is only the two of us, since no one else could possible join in our nuttiness. No one else could conceivably rationalize our stress, anxiety and fear over the operating system installed on a PC or the version of Office available for us to compose. These are issues that other people find insane. More than likely most everyone else finds us insane. Good thing we find one another perfect.  

Today's photo is very special to me. Well not necessarily the photo, but the subject. My Mamaw's ruby ring.  She gave it to me previous to her death. Rubies were her favorite. I thought of it today, since I was wearing a red shirt. I don't often wear red, it doesn't look very good against my fake red hair. But it was my Mamaw's favorite color and when I wear it I always think of her. I am a lot like her. She was ballsy and independent. And I absolutely loved that about her, even if other people didn't. I made the photo B&W, I am really digging it more and more as my photography progresses.


  1. Katie you are such a special person. You should always remember that. You touch so many lives every day. God put you here for a reason. I like to think that we all go through our bouts of depression in our life. It is something that is just a phase that we can either let overcome us or we can overcome. When I think of you I strength and knowledge are always are the first two words that come to mind. I know you can get through this and if you ever need anything let me know. Philippians 4:13

  2. When I first linked to this page from facebook, I didn't know it was your blog, but the second I saw the picture of your hand I knew it was you!
