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Saturday, January 22, 2011

Boots, wear them.

Went on a little trek today to find a few photographs in the waiting. Didn't wear any of my umpteen pairs of boots. Took one step out in the snow and realized exactly what single digit temperatures feel like. Traipsed around until I couldn't feel my fingers and then got back in the car. The photos stink. Don't try to change my mind about it either. But it was the thrill of the hunt that got my blood pumping. Come spring, I expect to be hiking more and in hot pursuit of photographic life.

I must be nervous lately b/c I have returned to a nasty old habit - nail biting. I haven't bit my fingernails in several years, but I'm back. yuck! Hopefully, I can get it together soon.

Watching one of my most favorite movies on TV, Jurassic Park (III to be exact). I wish I could live that life. Creating dinosaurs, studying them, trying to keep them from eating me. You know, the usual. Perhaps one day I'll have the money to go on real dinosaur digs and play archeologist like I've always dreamed.

Should be working on school paperwork. SHOULD be.

 Frozen lake.


  1. The photos do not stink. The photos rock. Don't be so down on yourself, you're starting to sound like me!

  2. Keith, don't baby me. Make me stronger by ridiculing my crappy photos.

  3. The only one I don't like is the lake. Just because with non-repeating patterns, my eyes start to hurt.

    I really like the first two.
