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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Pillowcase Project

It's 4:18 a.m. and I just woke-up - WIDE AWAKE. Geez. I guess I went to bed too early, but with being sick I have been trying to get as much sleep as possible. Apparently, at 4:00 a.m. my body decided it had enough! I'm going to do a little new/old remedy for insomnia, the old being drink a glass of milk (it's what my mother does each night) and blog.

For our Valentine's Day project at school, one of my classroom mothers had a great idea of what to do with our kids - we decorated pillowcases for the children at the UK Cancer Center. I wrote a grant using an online donation website called DonorsChoose.org and had a tremendous response from both friends AND complete strangers who just happened to like our idea.


My kids had a blast drawing on the pillowcases. We used fabric markers by Crayola for the first set. We will be doing a second and maybe even a third set before the year is finished.

I'm going to make a plug/plea for volunteers now. If you have time during the day to come and read with a child or listen to a child read to you or help one learn their math facts, please, please, please come to my classroom. My kids need all the help they can get. They are great students and very capable, they just need lots of love and support.

To volunteer, please fill out this short survey. Make sure to put SOUTHERN ELEMENTARY as the location.


Two things: 1) I cannot put my students' faces on my blog and 2) we didn't tell them what to draw or write (but notice all those AWESOME dinosaurs!!!!!!!)

My classroom is FULL of life!

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