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Monday, February 21, 2011

Flu, Sinus Infection, Ear Infection

Just got back from the doctor, again. You see on Saturday when I went originally, they told me I had wax built up in my right ear, which was blocking my eartube from draining. But that my ear looked okay. Told me to get some wax remover at the store when I picked up my prescriptions. And so I did.

Ear cleaning went well on Saturday and Sunday. Today I'm going my same routine and my friend, Jen, calls. And I want to talk to her. So I grab a tissue from the box and I put it up to my ear. Immediately an intense shock of fire and pain rush over my body, down my ear, into my throat and I scream. The tissues had Vick's Vapor Rub on them. I scream, hang up on Jen. And run to stick my head under running water. My ear is throbbing and I realize I've lost all hearing in it. I decide temporarily that I'm not going to the doctor, that I'll wait until the morning. But the pain keeps on and I know there is no way I will be able to rest with this pain.

I call my friend, Amber, who graciously comes to chariot me to the Urgent Treatment Center. The registration nurse asks me what happened and concludes that the chemicals must have reacted and burst my eardrum.

We finally get to see the doctor and she looks in my ear and tells me I have a nasty ear infection. I'm trying to tell her what I did to it, but she doesn't care. Says there is no way that the Vick's created that infection, even though my ear did not hurt at all before it was introduced. Declares I have the flu, a sinus infection and now an ear infection. Calls in prescription drops and I'm on my way home.

To boot, and this is just typical for me, when Amber and I are walking across the parking lot at Rite Aid to go pick up my drops, I almost get backed over by a car. Like within a few feet.

So I'm home with more medication. Yea!!!

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